North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board
Board Members |
Constituent Organisation |
Councillor Michael Harrison (Chair) |
Executive Member for Health and Adult Services |
Wendy Balmain |
Place Director for North Yorkshire, Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care System |
Jonathan Coulter |
Chief Executive, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, and representative of Acute and Community NHS Foundation Trusts |
Ashley Green |
Chief Executive, Healthwatch North Yorkshire |
Ali Jan Haider |
Director of Integrated Health and Care, Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership – part of West Yorkshire Integrated Care System |
Nic Harne |
Corporate Director of Community Development, North Yorkshire Council |
Councillor Simon Myers |
Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing |
John Pattinson |
Director of Operations, Independent Care Group (substitute for Mike Padgham) |
Councillor Janet Sanderson |
Executive Member for Children and Families |
Sally Tyrer |
Chair, Yorkshire Local Medical Committee (Primary Care Representative) |
Louise Wallace |
Director of Public Health, North Yorkshire Council |
Richard Webb |
Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Council |
Lisa Winward |
Chief Constable (Emergency Services Representative) |
In Attendance (North Yorkshire Council) unless stated:-
Paul Coleman, Public Health Registrar
Emma Davis, Public Health Manager
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning Resources
Victoria Turner, Public Health Consultant
Eleanor Whittaker, Public Health Manager
David Smith and Vicky Davies (Legal and Democratic Services)
Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book
1. Welcome by Chair
The Chair welcomed everybody to the meeting, mentioning that Councillor Simon Myers, Executive Member for North Yorkshire Council, with responsibility for Housing and Leisure, Nic Harne, Corporate Director for Community Development and Zoe Campbell, representing Mental Health Trusts, had joined the Board since the last meeting. The Chair also congratulated Jonathan Coulter on his appointment as Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust’s permanent Chief Executive.
2. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Richard Flinton, Chief Executive, North Yorkshire Council, Amanda Bloor, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer, Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care System, Mike Padgham, Chair, Independent Care Group, and Zoe Campbell, Managing Director, North Yorkshire, York and Selby, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust.
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 17th March 2023
Resolved –
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 17th March 2023 be approved.
4. Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
5. Public Questions and Statements
It was confirmed that no public questions or statements had been received.
6. Updates from Integrated Care Systems
Wendy Balmain, Place Director for North Yorkshire – Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care System, gave an update on the work of the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care System and Ali Jan Haider, Director of Integrated Health and Care, Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership – part of West Yorkshire Integrated Care System, gave an update on the work of the West Yorkshire Integrated Care System. The following points were raised:
- The Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) is developing multiple documents including its Strategy ,which has been agreed and the Joint Forward Plan (JFP) which will operationalise the Strategy. It was said to be critical that these documents link to the North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which is currently being reviewed, and the North Yorkshire Place Plan. The JFP does not need to be approved by the Board but Members will be kept informed as it is developed. It was said to be a working document that will be added to in Year 2. The JFP will be published by the end of June.
- The level of public consultation on these documents was discussed and the Place Director for North Yorkshire informed the Board that she would follow this up.
- Running cost savings are in full flow. The operating model designs are due to be ready by November 2023 so that they can be implemented by Spring 2024. In the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care System, a staff consultation has taken place and is in Phase 3. Operating models will be kept in line with the targets that are being aimed for. Whilst the savings for each ICS will be very similar, the way that these savings are made may differ.
Resolved –
That the updates be noted.
7. Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) – Local Area Strategy
Chris Reynolds, Head of SEND Strategic Planning Resources, presented the report and the following points were raised.
- The Strategy sets out the priorities of SEND and articulates its direction of travel. It focusses more on the holistic outcomes of children and young people, rather than focussing on educational outcomes alone (social outcomes are also included).
- It was reported that SEND is working well with its partners and with the Council for Disabled Children in its pledge to work with service users.
- The SEND Green Paper Consultation and Approvement Plan were both paused so that they would align with the direction of travel.
- The Joint Operational Plan also provides a detailed way forward and is being regularly reviewed.
- The SEND Partnership Board has been established and the hope is that the Strategy will be a foundation for the Board.
- The Strategy will be launched after the 9th June meeting and will be formally published later in the summer. It was reported that Councillor Sanderson had taken the Strategy to Full Council and it was agreed by the Council. Wendy Balmain has approved from an ICS perspective.
- Detailed operational plans to be provided by SEND and brought back.
Resolved –
a) That the Local Area SEND Strategy be noted.
b) That an update be provided on SEND when some more detailed operational plans are developed. This may include updates on key issues around Housing and Market Development and may be put to the Health and Care Management Group, where money and strategic plans are discussed.
8. Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Louise Wallace, Director of Public Health, explained that the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy had been removed from the Agenda as more work needed doing. Whilst there was a good foundation, some gaps needed filling and it needed to be more targeted towards members of the public before it is presented to the Board.
It was reported that there was a lot of work being done behind the scenes and that the draft strategy would be in front of the Board at the 21 July 2023 meeting.
9. Health Protection
Victoria Turner, Public Health Consultant, delivered the report, using a presentation to portray the key points. These were that:
- The Scarborough screening and immunisation programme is progressing well.
- The new sexual health arrangements under the Section 75 agreement, YOR sexual health, are going well.
- Collaborative working is very important and is currently working well. The North Yorkshire Health Protection Assurance Group should be used as an example of successful integrated working.
- The MPOX outbreak required intensive work.
- Indoor air quality is a key issue as it reduces chances of infection but also increases concentration and has a number of other effects.
- Migrant health is a key national challenge that has come out of the report and re-organisation of local government and the NHS are key regional challenges.
- Communication of these key issues is important.
- The end of year report lays out the priorities over the next 12 months.
- This is the first time a report like this has been produced and it can be seen as a way of mapping Health Protection.
- It would be important to make this report accessible to members of the public.
- It would be helpful for a similar report to be produced and brought to the Board next year.
- Vaping is a key issue that the Group has been looking at. Work is currently underway with schools to reduce underage vaping.
- The flu vaccination programmes could do with some work to increase uptake. It would be good for different groups and organisations to work together to find a solution.
- A Behavioural Science Unit has been set up to try and work out how to sell messages regarding health and wellbeing.
Resolved –
a) That the North Yorkshire Health Protection Assurance Group: End of Year Report 2022/23 be noted.
b) That a similar report be brought to the Board next year.
10. Rolling Work Programme – 2023/2024
The Chair introduced this report and emphasised that the Work Programme is for the Board to edit and add to as they wish.
11. Date of next meeting
The Chair reminded Members of the Board that the meeting of 21 July 2023 would be in person at Scarborough Sports Village. It was reported that this would have a relatively light Agenda, followed by an informal session.
12. Any other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered as a matter of urgency
There was no other business.
The meeting concluded at 1.55 p.m.